Dance / Vocal Competition Checklist

Dance / Vocal Competition Checklist

Getting ready for an upcoming dance/vocal competition? Don’t stress—it’s so much easier when you have a checklist! Over the years, I’ve crafted a go-to list that saves me every time. It has been tweaked and improved along the way, and I can’t imagine prepping without it.

I remember attending my daughter’s first dance and vocal competition when she joined the theater company.  Growing up in Taiwan, I did not know dance/vocal competition is a thing and certainly did not know what to expect. I packed everything (as I thought) in a duffel bag and didn’t realize we had forgotten her jazz shoes until she was called backstage.  I felt like the worst mom at that moment! Luckily a dancer in her studio was wearing the same size jazz shoes and we were able to borrow them.

After that day, I would always pack for my daughter’s competition with our checklist. I’ve added a few personal touches to the list and picked up great tips from other moms at our studio and beyond. Dance Moms are seriously some of the most creative people I’ve ever met!


Having a 2nd checklist for each competition number has helped us tremendously. We use it to double-check all costumes, shoes, props, and accessories are accounted for!  I hope you will get a good use out of it too!

These checklists fit on an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet of paper.

Downloadable/Printable PDF File:  Dance/Vocal Competition Checklist

Other tidbits:

  1. Iron your costumes the night before. You will thank yourself at the competition venue!
  2. Write your kid’s name on all her costume pieces (on the tags) and shoes (inside of the shoe or insole). Looking for missing costumes or shoes would be the last thing you want to do when you are packing up to go home.

Bonus tip: If you spot another mom with a cool product or an awesome hack, don’t hesitate to ask them about it! Dance moms love to share their best ideas. After all, we’re all in this crazy, wonderful dance world together.