Hey there, Dancer! Dance competitions are exciting, but they can also make you feel nervous. My daughter once told me she pretended the audience was not real people, they were just a bunch of watermelons and that worked for her. Ha!
Even the most experienced dancers get a little nervous before stepping onto the stage. You can totally manage those nerves and turn them into the confidence you need. Here are some strategies to help you feel ready and in control.
1. Practice Until You Feel Totally Prepared
One of the best ways to feel confident is to be well prepared. That means practicing your routine until you know it inside and out. When you trust yourself and your ability you won’t be nervous. Practice doesn’t make perfect – perfect practice makes perfect!
2. Visualize A Perfect Performance
Close your eyes and imagine yourself dancing a perfect routine. Picture everything, the stage, the audience, the judges, your fellow competitors and the way you want your routine to go. This mental exercise can help boost your confidence and calm your nerves before your performance.
3. Breath!
Before your performance take a deep breath, hold it for a few seconds and then exhale slowly while focusing on what you are about to do. Do this a few times if you have to and you’ll feel much more relaxed, focused and in control.
4. Create a Routine
A good pre-performance routine can help you feel focused and ready. Practice a favorite warm up routine, listen to a song that puts you in the mood and have a routine of stretches that get you ready and focused. Routines are great to get you familiar and focused so you can concentrate on stage.
5. Focus on the Present
Don’t let your mind wander to what could happen or worry about what the judges or anyone else is thinking. Stay in the moment and focus on your dancing and doing the best that you can. Connect with the music and the stage and have fun and your performance will feel so much better!
6. Use Positive Thinking
Your mindset is very important. Focus on the positive and not the negative. Speaking to yourself with reassurance and confidence will help replace any doubts you may have in your mind.
7. Be Comfortable Performing In Front Of People
If performing in front of an audience makes you nervous or uncomfortable practice in front of friends, family or even in front of a mirror. The more you perform in front of people the more natural it will feel when you are competing.
8. Healthy Body, Healthy Mind
Your body needs proper nutrition and care to perform at its best. Get plenty of rest, eat healthy meals and drink plenty of water to keep your energy up. Feeling good physically builds mental confidence.
9. Enjoy Yourself And The Moment
Remember, dance competitions are about more than just winning. You are also there to do something you enjoy and to have fun. Be proud of yourself for being able to get up there and compete.
10. Accept That Being Nervous Is Normal
Feeling nervous doesn’t mean you’re not ready. Even professional dancers get nervous before they perform. Use that nervous energy to your benefit.
If you start to feel nervous, take a deep breath, relax and remind yourself how talented and ready you are and dance with confidence knowing you did your best. You’ve got this!